Meet Dr. Michael Clifford. Chiropractor, BSc, Physio, DC, CSP, DAAPM
Dr. Michael Clifford is the founder and principle doctor at Haven Integrative Pain Relief Centre. Educated in America, Dr.
Clifford holds a Diplomate in Integrative Pain Management from the American Academy of Pain Management and is an Integrative Pain Relief Specialist, a U.S. Board Certified Chiropractic Physician, a U.S. Board Certified Physiotherapist, and a Chiropractic Sports Physician.
Dr. Clifford is a member of the American Academy of Pain Management, the American Pain Society, the U.S. Pain Foundation, the California Chiropractic Association, the American Chiropractic Association, and the Chiropractic Association of Ireland.
My story
I injured my back while lifting weights at Gold’s Gym in Venice California. It just so happened that there was a female chiropractor, Dr. Michelle, on site at the gym at the time it happened. I was in quite a bit of pain and she helped me into a small side room and examined me. The pain was quite excruciating, and ran all the from my back way down into my left leg. Dr. Michelle gave me a list of things to do to and sent me home. Over the next few days I followed the advice she had given me to reduce the inflammation in my back, and made an appointment at her office nearby in West Los Angeles.
Attending the Chiropractic office was a very different experience than what I had been used to in the past when I had been going to a medical doctors office. The first thing I noticed was that the atmosphere was happy and bright and patients seemed to enjoy being there. When I saw my doctor she went through a very thorough exam and consultation. She wanted to get to the cause of the problem. I remember her saying ” I understand you’re still in pain and I respect that, but I am more concerned with how you function. If I can correct the dysfunction, then the pain will take care of itself!”
That day she adjusted my back and I could hear and feel the joints in my spine move. I had almost instant relief! Dr. Michelle assured me that I would still have some pain and stiffness but we had made a big step forward toward my recovery, and I would heal fast! She was correct about everything she told me. After the pain had gone, within about a week, I followed up with some regular treatments and just felt so much better overall. The type of treatment she offered was so different than a normal doctors office, I was really impressed.
I couldn’t believe how quickly I healed! Then, my chiropractor explained to me about our nervous systems and how through chiropractic care, you align your spine so that it can heal itself, quickly and naturally.
I was intrigued because it fit in so well with the way I liked to take care of myself!